Lockdown 3.0 – We are OPEN for business

January 19, 2021

Following the announcement from PM Boris Johnson regarding a third lockdown or Lockdown 3.0 as it is popularly used, we would like to reassure everyone that we are committed to our customers and the manufacturing supply chain and remain OPEN and fully operational.

We have strived to service our customers under safe guidelines with the protection of our workforce and the forefront of what we do.

Nearly a year on since the Pandemic with the world living in a very different landscape, we can see how that has impacted many businesses.

We have implemented robust safety measures in place to protect our workforce and ensure smooth running of our manufacturing operations.

As we continue to fight this virus we are hopeful that the vaccines and adherence to government guidelines will mean we can all go back to some kind of normality very soon.

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Call Grenville Engineering on 01782 577 929
or email us at sales@grenville-engieering.co.uk