COVID-19 Update

Firstly, we hope that you are well and managing to cope with the many challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic.
As this is a worrying time for many businesses across the supply chain we wanted to offer reassurance of the measures we have taken for business continuity.
The wellbeing of our staff, customers and anyone in contact with Grenville Engineering (Stoke-on-Trent) Ltd is paramount.

We are monitoring the guidance issued by the UK Government and the World Health Organisation (WHO) very closely and take the necessary recommended actions accordingly.

Our facilities
Grenville Engineering (Stoke-on-Trent) Ltd has zero cases of colleagues affected by coronavirus.  We are encouraging regular hand washing, and the use of hand sanitiser every few hours and our team are focusing on cleaning ‘high traffic’ areas more frequently.

We are currently operating a restricted visitor policy with face to face meetings taking place using online platforms.  We have also restricted all business travel and have established quarantine procedures for individuals travelling back to the UK.

We are providing resources to help employees modify how they work, including flexible schedules for caregivers, remote work where possible and adjusted working hours and office layouts.

To ensure the welfare of all employees, senior management are closely advising those who may be at greater risk from coronavirus and instructing them to stay home and consult their healthcare providers if they have the recognised symptoms.

The wellbeing and safety of our staff is important to us and we have implemented further guidelines of social distancing, hand sanitising and restrictions of external visitors to our premises.
We have a large factory footprint and all members of staff have been under instruction to adhere to a 2 metre distance at all times.

Our services
Normal business operations will continue across, unless advised otherwise.  At present we see no changes to our business and services.  There is zero impact to our production and delivery schedules and we continue to use virtual technology instead of face to face meetings.

Whilst we continue to work to customer requirements we are open to the discussion of greater safety stocks should our customers require this. Whilst our commitment remains to all our customers we have prioritised critical components for the NHS to ensure continuity and support where needed. We do aim to respond and manufacture closely to our usual lead times for all to keep the manufacturing supply chain going.
There are natural concerns surrounding the ongoing supply of products and services from our supply chain, Grenville Engineering (Stoke-on-Trent) Ltd are in constant dialogue to ensure there is continuity of supply with no disruption over the coming months.  We, and they, are closely monitoring developments and Foreign Office advice on travel and distribution.

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch, call 01782 577929 or email

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